Discover Healing Movement with Katie Brindle

Access my FREE ‘Introduction to Healing Movement’ below.

Thank you for joining me, I am so thrilled to introduce you to the incredible world of Healing Movement and its transformative benefits.

As the founder of Hayo’uFit and The Healing Circle I am delighted to offer you my ‘Introduction to Healing Movement’ class absolutely free.

Discover the perfect fusion of fitness and mindful movement, move from exhausted, yet restless to instantly feeling relaxed yet energised.

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Where to Practice with Me

For Free

I invite you to join me live on Instagram  every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am where I teach free movement with our wonderful community.

For Deeper Healing Movement

Access 3 X Live Weekly Classes online (or catch up on demand).

Founded on the basis of Qigong and my years as a Healer and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, my Healing Movement Classes work with the seasons and natural energies around us to amplify the results for the body and soul,

Qigong at Hayo’u Fit

Join the UK’s leading Qigong teachers on Hayo’u Fit from £10 per month to enjoy a range of live and on demand Qigong classes for all.